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Grill Flank Steak Like a Pro: Quick Tips & Tricks

Sliced grilled flank steak over wood chopping board

Get ready to become the neighborhood's flank steak aficionado with our grilling guide. This isn't just about cooking meat; it's an art form. With our tips, you'll transform a basic BBQ into a sizzling sensation.

Flank steak offers luxury and value, and mastering its grill technique is key. From secret marinades to perfect grilling and slicing, you'll soon be the reigning grill master. Let's fire up the grill and get started!

What Makes Flank Steak a Grilling Favorite

When the unmistakable scent of grilling steak wafts through the air, you know it's flank steak making its mouthwatering statement. But what's behind the popularity of this specific beef cut? Let's dive into the savory what is flank steak and tackle its unique qualities, and while we're at it, let's also compare it to its culinary cousin, the skirt steak.

Understanding Flank Steak's Unique Qualities

Behold the flank steak—a lean powerhouse of flavor that's taken the grilling world by storm. By carving from the cow's well-exercised abdominal muscles, you get a cut that's both full-flavored and enriched with healthly benefits. High in protein and low in fat, flank steak provides a nutritious bang for your buck. But don't let its leanness fool you; when grilled properly, this tough cut transforms into a tender, succulent feast.

Grilling flank steak requires a strategy akin to a quick tango—fast and fiery. Thanks to its thinner profile, it's ideal for those high-heat, quick-cooking scenarios. You're aiming for a grand finale of rare to medium-rare doneness; after all, you wouldn't want to gamble away its tender potential with too much heat, would you?

Flank vs. Skirt: Selecting Your Cut

Confronted with the choice between flank and skirt steak at the butcher shop, you might feel like you're being asked to pick a favorite child. Both have their merits, so let's break down the skirt steak differences. Skirt steak, often a staple in fajitas, is thinner and carries a more intense beefy flavor. It's fabulous with marination, but be warned—it can turn into a chewy riddle if not tended to properly.

Flank steak and skirt steak two photo collage

On the flip side, flank steak boasts a more uniform shape for even cooking and a texture that's forgiving to the novice griller. When it comes to nutrition, both cuts closely align, yet flank steak edges ahead with its slightly lower calorie count. Ultimately, your choice might boil down to personal preference or the grand culinary plan you have up your sleeve.

So, whether you're barbecuing on a sunny day or simply turning your kitchen into a de facto grill station, knowing the nitty-gritty of grilling flank steak not only adds a new skill to your repertoire but also guarantees a meal that resonates with flavor and health benefits. It's no wonder this beef cut has won the hearts—and appetites—of grill enthusiasts everywhere.

Ran out of flank steak? Discover the perfect alternatives to flank steak with our guide to flavorful and versatile substitutes: Finding the Perfect Flank Steak Substitute: A Guide

Marinate Your Way to Peak Flavor

When you're marinating flank steak, your ultimate goal is to infuse that beautiful piece of meat with mouth-watering flavors that will enhance its natural deliciousness. A steak marinade doesn't play by strict rules, but rather dances to a tune of savory blends, balanced notes, and personal touches.

Essential Ingredients for a Knockout Marinade

Think of your steak marinade as the secret handshake between flavor and tenderness. A trifecta of marinade ingredients usually begins with a fat like olive oil, moves onto an acid such as balsamic vinegar or lemon juice, and concludes with a medley of herbs, spices, and all things nice. Avoiding a bland steak is as easy as pulling from the classics - garlic for punch, honey for sweetness, and perhaps a dash of soy sauce for that umami tsunami.

Transform your flank steak into a culinary masterpiece with the Steak Lovers - Best For Beef Complete 6 Pack Collection, crafted from sustainably sourced, all-natural ingredients that make professional-level grilling both simple and delicious.

Gustus Vitae Steak Lovers - Best For Beef | Complete 6 Pack Collection | Gourmet Seasonings and Rubs For Steaks, Chops, Racks & Ribs by Gustus Vitae

The Ideal Marinating Time for Perfect Tenderness

Your patience will be your virtue when you're marinating flank steak. Stealing a few hours for your steak to sip on its marinade spa does wonders. However, this isn't a case for 'more is better.' Depending on your mix's acidity, a marinade could start to break down the steak's character if left for too long—aim for that 2 to 4-hour sweet spot to let the flavors deeply serenade the steak without overpowering its natural appeal.

Grilling on Different Types of Grills

Whether you're a grilling novice or a seasoned pitmaster, the secret to perfectly grilled flank steak lies not only in the technique but also in the type of grill you use. Sure, your mantra might be "charcoal or bust," but it's worth exploring how different grills can impact the flavor and texture of your steak.

grill flank steak on grill with open fire

With a gas grill, you're looking at consistency and convenience. Turn a knob, hit a button, and voila! – instant heat. And adjusting the temperature? Child's play. But remember, while a gas grill gets you that nice, even cook, it might not impart the same smoky flavor as a charcoal grill. Trade-offs, my friend!

Now, let's talk about the primal satisfaction of a charcoal grill. This method might require more finesse with its need for managing a 2-zone fire and longer heat-up times. But oh, that taste – the smokiness, the char! If you're patient and attentive, a charcoal grill will be your avenue to flavor town.

Don't have outdoor space? No worries, stovetop grilling has got you covered. Just grab a heavy-duty cast-iron skillet and bring the heat directly to your kitchen. While you miss out on the open flame, the stovetop method offers precision and the added benefit of keeping all that steak aroma in your living space (because who needs scented candles when you have steak?.)

Regardless of your grill choice, some things remain the same. You'll need to preheat your grill and give it a good brush to create a non-stick surface coated with high-heat oil. This is not just about avoiding a sticky situation; it's about achieving that picture-perfect sear.

  • Preheat your grill: Aim for high heat to ensure a nice sear.
  • Oil the grates: After cleaning, coat with oil to prevent sticking.
  • Monitor the temperature: Whether gas, charcoal, or stovetop, controlling the heat is crucial.
  • Be prepared: Have all your tools and seasonings at arm's reach.

Remember, each grill has its own set of rules. Embrace its quirks, and you'll unlock the door to a juicy, tender, and flavorful experience with every flank steak you grill. Now fire up that grill and show it who's boss!

Mastery Over Heat: Controlling Grill Temperature

You've selected your champion from among the beef cuts—a beautiful flank steak, primed and ready for grilling. But hold your horses, grill master! To ensure you achieve perfect steak doneness, you must become a Jedi of the heat, harnessing the art of controlling grilling temperature. Let's turn up the heat on your knowledge.

flank steaks over a grill with thermometer on the side

It's no simple spell or incantation – it's pure culinary craftsmanship. Trust in your ability to control that flame, and your flank steak won't just be cooked – it will be transformed into an epicurean experience that tantalizes the taste buds, leaving all who partake in a state of char-grilled euphoria.

Timing is Everything: Grilling Duration for Flank Steak

Let's talk about how long you should grill flank steak. Perfecting your grilling flank steak time isn't just about setting a timer and hoping for the best. Oh no, it's about understanding that achieving a medium-rare flank steak is akin to an art form, where precision and patience are your brushes and palette.

Achieving the Sweet Spot for Doneness

You're targeting a total grill time of around 10 minutes for that illustrious medium-rare flair. Flip that beautiful steak onto each side like it's the latest page-turner, giving it about 5 minutes per side to cook. To ensure you don't cross the line into overdone territory, you'll want to trust the accuracy of a good meat thermometer for the most reliable results.

Use of Thermometer for Precision

Accuracy is key, and even the most seasoned grill masters rely on a trusty meat thermometer to confirm perfection. Probe your steak's thickest part without touching any bone or fat, and watch for the sweet spot temperatures. To ensure you get it just right, here’s a quick reference guide:

Doneness Internal Temperature
Rare 125°F (52°C)
Medium Rare 135°F (57°C)
Medium 145°F (63°C)
Medium Well 150°F (66°C)
Well Done 160°F (71°C)


Now, you're armed with the knowledge you need, so go forth and transform that flank steak from good to great. Remember, trust your tools; keep that meat thermometer handy, and take pride as you grill your way to steak nirvana.

Searing for Success: Tips for Perfect Grill Marks

So, you're ready to sizzle and sear that flank steak like a maestro? Pat yourself on the back because we're about to elevate your grill game. Everyone covets those stunning, perfect grill marks - they're like the autograph of a grill wizard. And guess what? You're just a flip away from acing that steak flipping technique and setting the grill stage like a pro.

Grill Preparation: Let's start at the very beginning – a very good place to start. Prime that grill to perfection. Pat the grates dry after a good scrub and heat things up; we're aiming for scorching. Once it's as hot as your mixtape, give it a nice oiled brush-over. Now, that's what we call "grill preparation."

grill marks on flank steak

The Right Moment to Flip Your Steak

Timing isn't just in comedy, it's crucial in grilling too. Your steak is on stage, and the spotlight is scalding. Wait for it... Wait for it... And at the zenith of 1-2 minutes, do the flip. No need for a drumroll; those perfect grill marks will elicit enough applause. That's right, the steak flipping technique is all about that one swift, confident motion.

Grill Setup for an Even Sear

What's behind curtain number two? Oh, it's a grill set up for an even sear. Separate the hot from the not-so-hot, because control is your secret ingredient here. This strategy, my friend, will give your flank steak the sear it so rightly deserves: crispy on the outside, yet tender and juicy where it counts.

Remember, the mantra is 'searing hot, swiftly flip, and savvy setup.' Stick with it, and those perfect grill marks won't just be a stroke of luck. You'll be the talk of the town, or at least the talk of the backyard BBQ circuit.

Resting Your Flank Steak Post-Grilling

You've mastered the grill and cooked your flank steak to perfection, but don't slice into it just yet! Enter the unsung hero of the grilling world: resting flank steak. Why, you ask? Because patience is not just a virtue, it's the savior of your steak's juiciness. Let's talk about retaining juices and why giving your steak a short, yet luxurious, spa time under a foil tent will transform it from good to "Where have you been all my life?" greatness.

Making a foil tent is akin to tucking your steak in for a quick nap. It's easy, too. Simply place your steak on a plate, and gently place foil over it. The goal? Keeping the warmth in while the meat relaxes. As the fibers cool, they reabsorb the juices that would otherwise end up on your cutting board—an utter tragedy for taste buds everywhere.

So the next time you pull that flank steak off the flames, fight the urge to cut right away. Wrap that beauty in a foil tent, grab a drink, and dream about the perfect bite you're about to enjoy. Your promise of steak nirvana is just a brief rest away.

Carving Flank Steak: The Art of Slicing Against the Grain

Sliced flank steak over wood cutting board

The Technique for Maximum Tenderness

Salivating over that perfect, tender slice of beef isn't just a fantasy. It boils down to a simple yet crucial method: cutting against the grain. Don't just hack away at that gorgeous hunk of meat; approach this task with the precision of a samurai.

To begin, you'll want to identify those long muscle fibers in the flank steak. Why? Cutting perpendicular to these fibers shortens them, and that's your secret weapon for tenderness. By doing so, the typically robust flank steak transforms into easily chewable morsels that practically dissolve in your mouth. Remember, thin slices at a 45-degree angle are your best bet for that buttery texture everyone craves.

Grill Flank Steak: Serving and Side Dish Pairings

Now that you've grilled that picture-perfect flank steak, it's time to think about the supporting cast that’ll turn your dish into a complete meal. The right flank steak accompaniments are not just a matter of taste; they’re about creating a symphony on the plate where each element complements the other. You're not just eating; you're embarking on a culinary quest for the perfect bite.

Complementary Flavors and Textures

Finding balance in pairing sides means considering the profile of your marinade and the robust nature of flank steak. A tangy chimichurri or a creamy horseradish sauce could be the zesty counterpoint your dish craves. And remember, textures are just as vital as flavors. Picture the crunch of a fresh corn salad disrupting the tender chewiness of your steak—it's a match made in heaven.

Building a Balanced Plate

Imagine a plate not just filled, but thoughtfully curated. First, assess the landscape. A mountain of herbed roasted potatoes, a forest of charred broccoli, or perhaps a valley filled with wild rice pilaf? Now, this isn't a one-size-fits-all kind of deal. Consider the season, your mood, and the occasion. Is it a summer backyard bash or a cozy winter gathering? Match your sides to not just your steak, but also to the story of your meal.

sliced flank steak with accompaniments

  • Summer Sides: Light, with a burst of freshness like a quinoa salad with grilled veggies, or a cucumber and tomato salad drizzled with balsamic.
  • Winter Warmers: Hearty companions like mashed sweet potatoes or a medley of roasted root veggies.
  • The All-Rounders: Sides that never go out of style like a classic Caesar salad or a decadent serving of mac 'n' cheese.

Remember, pairing sides with your flank steak is not about fancy food trends—it’s about what makes your palate sing. So, create that complete meal that’ll get everyone talking, and more importantly, coming back for seconds.


What's the best method for grilling flank steak to perfection?

The key is high heat and quick cooking. Preheat your grill and make sure it's hot enough to sear the meat, locking in those juicy flavors. For a succulent medium-rare, grill each side for just a few minutes and use a meat thermometer to nail that ideal doneness.

Can you explain the difference between flank steak and skirt steak?

Certainly! While both cuts come from the underside of the cow, flank steak is leaner and wider than the more marbled skirt steak. Flank is great for grilling, while skirt steak performs well with quick sear methods. Choose flank for a less fatty option but remember, both are delicious when cooked right.

What are the essential ingredients for a knockout marinade?

Your marinade needs a good oil, an acid to tenderize, and bold seasonings for flair. Think olive oil, red wine vinegar or citrus juice, and a symphony of garlic, herbs, and a touch of sweetness like honey. Mix it up to match your taste buds' desire for adventure!

How long should I marinate flank steak for optimum flavor and tenderness?

For flank steak, you'll want to marinate for at least 2 hours, but for the summit of flavor, leave it soaking overnight. The longer the steak bathes in those marvelous marinade juices, the more pronounced the flavors will be.

What are the specifics of grilling flank steak on a gas grill versus a charcoal grill?

On a gas grill, it's all about controlling the knobs to keep the heat high. Charcoal grillers, you're playing a chess game with heat management – get the coals white-hot and create a two-zone fire for control. Either way, you're in for a tasty treat.

How do I know when my flank steak has reached the perfect medium-rare?

Here's where you can put technology to use. A meat thermometer is your sidekick, with the goal temperature being 130-135°F for that medium-rare magic. Trust the tools of the trade and your gut instincts – they serve you well.

What's the trick to getting those perfect grill marks on my flank steak?

Grill marks are like the signature on your culinary canvas. Place your steak down on the hottest part of the grill, leave it undisturbed for a few minutes, then rotate it 90 degrees for that pro chequered pattern. Flip, repeat, and behold the artistry!

Why is resting my steak so important, and how do I properly rest it?

Resting is like the grand finale of a show. It lets the steak's internal juices redistribute, ensuring each bite is as juicy as the next. After grilling, tent your steak with foil and let it relax for about 5 minutes. Patience, padawan, the best is yet to come.

Help me with the slicing technique—I want the tenderest flank steak possible!

Ah, the perfect slice—cut thin, across the grain, at a slight angle. This reduces the muscle fiber length, making it easier to chew. Follow these slicing scriptures and each morsel will practically melt in your mouth.

Any tips on the best pairing sides that complement the rich flavors of grilled flank steak?

Match your steak with sides that contrast and balance its robustness. A light, zesty salad, crispy roasted potatoes, or grilled veggies. Think colors, flavors, and textures that'll turn your meal into a harmonious symphony for the senses. Now go forth and feast!


You've mastered the art of grilling flank steak, enhancing your culinary skills and promising delicious meals. Grilling is more than steps; it's about embracing the process from marinade to slicing. Flank steak's versatility shows that even humble cuts can be creatively transformed. As you refine your skills, focus on flavor harmony, heat control, and precise slicing. Your journey continues with endless possibilities for new rubs, marinades, and sides. Your grilling expertise is now ready to impress anytime.

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