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How to Cook Steak in Oven Like A Pro!

Steak over a tray in an oven

Who needs a grill when you can make a juicy oven-seared steak right at home? Preheat your oven and get ready for a simple, delicious steak recipe that rivals any steakhouse, without the hassle or high cost. Your kitchen is about to become the go-to spot for steak lovers, with the mouthwatering aroma of butter-basted, perfectly seasoned steak filling the air.

So, put on your apron and prepare for a culinary adventure that ends with a mouthwatering, juicy steak on your plate. Ready to cook, chef?

Embarking on the Perfect Steak Journey

Craving the perfect steak that makes your taste buds sing? You're in luck! The secret isn't just grilling—it's searing on the stovetop and finishing in the oven. This method creates a juicy interior and a caramelized crust, just like a steakhouse. With a few tips, you'll master this technique and become the steak expert in your kitchen. Ready to impress?

  • Heat Matters: Your stovetop offers precise control for that initial sear that seals in those drool-worthy juices.
  • Switcheroo Technique: By transferring your steak from stovetop to oven, you’re ensuring an even and thorough cook that a grill simply can’t duplicate.
  • Carnivore's Delight: When done right, your steak won’t just be good – it’ll be the kind of meal that gets mentioned in your family's holiday letters.

No need to be daunted by this transition from stovetop to oven, as though you're being asked to perform an Olympic gymnastic routine. Think of it as a simple hop, skip, and a jump into steak nirvana. Ready your taste buds, because by the end of this, your home-cooked steaks will become the stuff of legend.

The Essential Ingredients for Oven-Baked Steak Nirvana

The path to the perfect oven-baked steak isn't shrouded in mystery—it's paved with a trifecta of the perfect meat cut, precise seasoning, and the luxurious finale of browned butter. Let's uncover the elements that will elevate your culinary craft to the echelon of steakhouse legend.

Choosing the Right Cut

What's your beef, literally? Your choice in steak cut sets the stage for flavor and texture. If you fancy a marbled masterpiece, a thick-cut ribeye steak beckons. Lean more towards the lean? A strong, muscular sirloin awaits. Perhaps the artful balance in an NY strip speaks to your soul? Or some dry-aged steak? Whichever path you choose, ensure it's a cut above.

How to cook steak in oven: Different steak cuts in a butcher shop

Kosher Salt and Cracked Peppercorn: The Flavor Enhancers

When it comes to seasoning, kosher salt is the foundation and a cracked peppercorn medley is the flair. Salt magnifies taste, while those peppercorns—well, they're a zesty dance party for the palate.

The Magic of Browned Butter

Imagine this: your steak, fragrant and sizzling, now meets the crowning glory of browned butter. That's right. This nutty, aromatic elixir doesn't just complement—it transforms. Drizzle and bask in the richness it brings to your palate.

Prepping Your Steak for the Oven

  1. Bring to Room Temperature: Remove the steak from the refrigerator at least 30-60 minutes before cooking, allowing it to reach room temperature. This ensures even cooking.

  2. Pat Dry: Use paper towels to pat the steak dry, removing any excess moisture. This helps achieve a better sear.

  3. Oil and Season: Lightly coat the steak with olive oil, then generously season both sides with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper. Allow the seasoned steak to rest for about 30 minutes to let the flavors meld.

Got all that? Great! You're alarmingly close to transforming that raw slab into a culinary masterpiece that you’ll boast about on social media for days. But hold your horses—we’ve got more sizzling tips coming your way. Stand by as we venture from sear to cheer in the next mouth-watering section.

Mastering the Sear: Stove to Oven Transition

Let's talk about pan-searing steak, shall we? It's the moment where science meets art, and if you're aiming for that restaurant-quality crust, then a proper sear is your golden ticket.

One minute on the stovetop, each side getting some love, and you're setting yourself up for the kind of steak that has people questioning their life choices – in the best way, of course. Now, onto the alchemy that is oven-transition cooking.

Why Searing Matters

You've probably heard chefs preaching about the importance of a good sear, but why exactly is it crucial? When your steak kisses the pan, the high heat promotes the Maillard reaction, creating a complex flavor profile and an irresistible texture on the steak's surface.

To get it right, heat your skillet until it's screaming hot – it's not just cooking; it's creating edible art.

searing steak in skillet for oven transition

Transferring Steak from Stove to Oven

So you've mastered the stovetop sizzle. What's next? Transfer your steak, in its sizzling skillet, directly to the oven. But don't dally – time is of the essence. Move swiftly and your steak will come out tender and moist, embodying the perfect balance that is the hallmark of a steak well done (the process, not the doneness level).

  1. Sear the steak on the stovetop for 1 minute on each side over high heat.
  2. Transfer to the oven and roast at 400°F to 450°F for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Let the steak rest for 5-10 minutes, tented with foil, before serving.

Note: Just like the perfectly timed punchline, your steak needs a moment to breathe after its oven ordeal. Letting it rest allows those scrumptious juices to redistribute, ensuring your first bite is as heavenly as the last. In essence, respect the rest. Your tastebuds will thank you.

How to Cook Steak in the Oven: Timing and Techniques

Attention, steak aficionados! Get ready to master the art of oven-cooked steak without setting off the smoke alarm. We're about to dive into the secrets of achieving steak perfection with just the right oven temperature and timing.

The Heat is On

First things first: Set your oven to a sizzling 475 degrees Fahrenheit. This isn't just hot—it's scorching, and it's precisely the heat your steak needs to achieve that perfect sear. After giving your steak a quick, sumptuous sear on the stovetop, it's time to transfer it to this blazing oven for around three minutes. Can you hear the sizzle already?

Timing and Technique

Why only three minutes? This is the sweet spot for baking a steak that's juicy on the inside with a beautifully crisp, textured crust on the outside. Here's how to nail it:

  1. Timing is Everything: Too much time in the oven, and you'll find yourself in Dryville—definitely not where your steak wants to be.

  2. Residual Heat Magic: Resting your steak after baking isn't just a suggestion; it's essential. This is when the real magic happens, transforming your steak from good to extraordinary.

  3. Carryover Cooking: Remember, the journey to steak perfection continues even after it's out of the oven. The residual heat keeps cooking it, so timing your removal is key to achieving desired doneness.

The Secret Mantra

To create steaks that'll make you feel like a culinary wizard, remember this mantra: Oven temperature at 475 degrees, with a swift three minutes of oven time. Rest your steak properly to let it reach its full potential. Now, embark on your journey to steak nirvana, and enjoy every juicy, flavorful bite!

Tuning into the Right Temperature for Doneness

Are you ready to become the maestro of your kitchen symphony? Hitting just the right note for steak doneness is as much about science as it is about art. And it all starts with internal temperature – the secret tune that leads to a mouthwatering finale.

Measuring Internal Temperature Correctly

Fact – the heart of steak perfection pulses with precise temperatures. But how do you nail it? Use a trusty meat thermometer and insert it into the thickest part of the steak, avoiding fat or bone. The target temps should sing to you:

  • 125˚F for rare
  • 135˚F for medium-rare
  • 145˚F for medium
  • 150˚F for medium-well
  • 155˚F for well-done

Remember, those numbers are like hitting the high notes – stop just before them and let the steak rest to reach full crescendo! 

Understanding Resting Time's Role

After cooking your steak, let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes. This pause allows the juices to redistribute, making each bite tender and juicy. Remember, resting the steak is a crucial final step to elevate your meal from ordinary to extraordinary.

Complementing Your Steak with Delectable Side Dishes

Enhance your steak meal with the perfect side dishes. Roasted vegetables add vibrant colors and flavors, perfectly complementing the juicy steak. Crispy potatoes offer a satisfying crunch with every bite. These sides aren't just extras; they're essential partners to your steak, making your meal truly special.

Side dishes such as mashed potatoes and roasted vegetables on a plate and wine on the side


If you're yearning for a spectrum of textures and tastes, look no further than the trove of classic and contemporary sides waiting to take their place around your steak. To guide your quest for the perfect complement, bask in this table that pairs types of steaks with side dishes that honor their unique flavors.

  • Pair a rich and buttery Ribeye steak with garlic mashed potatoes for a luxurious dining experience.
  • Complement the smokey and fresh flavors of a Sirloin steak with a side of grilled asparagus.
  • Enjoy a New York Strip steak with a crisp and creamy wedge salad topped with blue cheese for a refreshing contrast.
  • Elevate the earthy and savory tones of a Filet Mignon by serving it with sautéed mushrooms.
  • For a hearty and wholesome meal, serve a Porterhouse steak alongside roasted root vegetables.

Each pairing brings out the best in the steak's flavor profile, ensuring a well-rounded and satisfying meal.

Like a sommelier pairing wine with a fine cheese, you can mix and match these sides to complement the character of your main course. Make your dinner guests wonder if there's a hidden chef in your kitchen. After all, why should the steak get all the glory?

  • Crave a refreshing crunch? A wedge salad with blue cheese dressing is your answer.
  • Yearning for comfort? Creamy garlic mashed potatoes never disappoint.
Remember, the perfect side dish should not only match the steak but also the occasion and the company you share it with.

So go ahead, make your steakhouse dinner visions a reality, right at home. With these pairings, you're not just making dinner; you're curating a culinary experience. And isn't that what it's all about?

The Role of Kitchen Equipment in Achieving Steak Perfection

Cast iron skillet or stainless steel pan? To cook the perfect steak, having the right kitchen equipment is crucial. A cast-iron skillet is your best friend for achieving that ideal sear. Its excellent heat retention and even cooking surface ensure your steak reaches the perfect doneness.

Plus, its versatility allows you to easily move from stovetop to oven, making it a vital tool for any steak enthusiast.

  • Durability that withstands high temperatures
  • Stellar heat distribution for an even sear
  • Nonstick qualities that improve with use
  • Compatibility with stovetop and oven

Now, let's talk cooking utensils. Ever tried flipping a steak with a plastic spatula that's just not into high heat? A travesty! Invest in quality stainless-steel tongs or a heavy-duty spatula that can handle the heat and the weight of your steak without batting an eye—or melting.

steak over cast-iron skillet on stove
Remember, the right equipment in the kitchen doesn't just cook; it transforms simple ingredients into a meal that awakens your inner chef de cuisine.

Achieve steak perfection with the right equipment.

  • A cast-iron skillet is essential for an even sear and finishing in the oven; make sure to preheat it to a scorching temperature before adding your steak.
  • Use stainless-steel tongs for a secure grip when flipping and transferring your steak; locking tongs offer extra control and are great for space-saving storage.
  • A meat thermometer is crucial for precision cooking to your desired doneness; insert it into the thickest part of the steak, avoiding bone or fat.
  • For clean and precise slicing, a carving knife is your go-to tool; a sharp knife will glide through the steak, retaining its juices and showcasing its quality.

Get your kitchen equipped, your steak selection on point, and watch as your diners swoon at the first sight—and bite—of the glorious steak you've charmed to sizzling, juicy life. It's your date with culinary greatness, and you, dear chef, are dressed to impress.

Storing and Reheating Leftover Steak Without Sacrificing Quality

So you've crafted the perfect oven-seared steak, but alas, your eyes were hungrier than your belly, and now you're left with leftovers. Fear not! With the right approach to leftover steak storage and knowing the ins and outs of reheating steak, your second rodeo with that juicy cut can be just as divine as the first.

Here's how to keep your steak just as tender and flavorful the day after.

Best Practices for Storing

To avoid the tragedy of a dried-out or spoilt steak, attention to detail is key. Once your steak reaches room temperature, wrap it up tighter than a drum in plastic wrap or aluminum foil.

Better yet, pop it into an airtight container to block out any fridge fiends looking to plunder its moistness. Remember, properly storing your steak safeguards both texture and taste against the ravages of time.

Steak in an aluminum sealable container

Reheating Techniques for Retaining Moisture

When it's time to revive your stored steak back to its former glory, the reheating method you choose can make or break the meal. Microwaving your steak is like sending a text saying "we need to talk" – it's likely to end in disaster. Instead, consider using a skillet on low heat to reheat your steak gently, preserving its succulent texture.

If you find yourself with a thicker cut, the oven can be your ally. A few minutes at a low temperature can bring back the warmth and tenderness without overcooking the meat. Remember, maintaining steak quality is about the journey back to heat, not just the destination.

Here are some handy tips for reheating your leftover steak while keeping it moist and tender:

  • To reheat thinly sliced steaks, use a non-stick or cast iron skillet on low heat for 2-3 minutes per side.
  • For thicker cuts, place them on a baking tray covered with foil and heat in the oven at 275°F (135°C) for 10-15 minutes.

Congratulations, by now you should be equipped with the knowledge to give that leftover steak a second lease on life without losing any of its luscious flair. Now go forth and enjoy your meal, again!

Steak Sauces and Butters: Adding a Touch of Gourmet

Enhance your steak with delightful sauces and butters for an elevated experience. A creamy mustard sauce or melting compound butter can add rich flavors and depth to your perfectly cooked steak, transforming it into a culinary delight.

  • The Classic Béarnaise: A timeless companion to steak, this tangy and herb-infused sauce is a surefire way to impress.
  • Mushroom Demi-Glace: Thick, rich, and brimming with earthy flavors—a must for mushroom lovers.
  • Chimichurri: A zesty Argentinian sauce that brings freshness with its cilantro and parsley punch.
  • Compound Butter: Whether it's a Roquefort-chorizo blend or a simple shallot herb, compound butter turns your dish into a gourmet event.

Don't stop at tradition. Why not invent your own steak sauce? Look into our Deluxe Steak & Beef BBQ Seasonings Collection and dare to mix, match, and make it your own.

Now, go forth with confidence! You're not just serving steak; you're creating an epicurean delight that will leave your taste buds dancing and your guests asking for more.


How do I achieve a juicy oven-seared steak?

Sear your steak on high heat in a cast-iron skillet on the stove for a minute on each side, then transfer it to a preheated 475°F oven for about three minutes. This seals in the juices for that perfect succulence.

What's the secret to the perfect steak seasoning?

The dynamic duo of kosher salt and a cracked peppercorn medley works wonders! Rubbing these onto your steak before cooking will enhance the flavor and give you that steakhouse flair.

Can I use any cut of steak for oven baking?

Absolutely! Whether you're team ribeye steak, a staunch supporter of sirloin, a NY strips enthusiast, or a T-bone or porterhouse aficionado, they all have a seat at the oven-baked steak table. Just adjust your cooking time for thickness and desired doneness.

Why is resting the steak important?

Giving your steak a rest allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, ensuring every bite is as flavorful and juicy as the first. Aim for 5 to 10 minutes of rest before slicing and diving in.

What oven temperature should I use to cook my steak?

Preheat your oven to a fiery 475 degrees Fahrenheit for a steak that's baked to perfection. This high temperature is key for replicating that steakhouse quality right at home.

How do I store and reheat leftover steak?

Wrap up your steak rendezvous by storing leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge. Reheat in a skillet or oven until just warm to maintain that mouthwatering moisture and flavor.

What sides go well with oven-baked steak?

Your steak deserves the best company, so consider sides like roasted vegetables, a crisp salad, or even something indulgent like bacon mac and cheese. Mix and match to give your tastebuds a delightful dance.

What kind of skillet should I use for cooking steak?

Cast-iron skillets are the crème de la crème for cooking steak. They distribute heat evenly for that flawless sear and can go from stovetop to oven without a hitch.

Can I add a sauce to my oven-baked steak?

Indubitably! Drizzle some mustard-cream sauce or a spoonful of compound butter on top to transport your steak from delicious to divine. Sauces and butters add that gourmet touch that will have your guests begging for the recipe.

How do I know when my steak is done to my liking?

Trust your meat thermometer and aim for 125°F for rare, 135°F for medium-rare, 145°F for medium, 150°F for medium-well, and 155°F for well-done. Remember to remove the steak slightly before reaching the desired temperature to factor in resting time.


You've mastered the art of cooking steak in your own kitchen, transforming from a beginner to an expert. No more guessing and uncertainty; you now have the skills to create a perfectly cooked steak that will impress your guests. The aromas in your home are proof of your culinary success. This isn't just a meal—it's a statement of your newfound cooking prowess.

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